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By virtue of this Decision a temporary experiment is organized at European Union level for assessing whether the production, with a view to marketing, and marketing, under certain conditions, of seed from populations belonging to the species Avena spp., Hordeum spp., Triticum spp. and, Zea mays L., may constitute an improved alternative to the exclusion of the marketing of seed not complying with the requirements prescribed under Directive 66/402/EEC concerning varietal aspects of seeds of certain species. The experiment shall start on 1 March 2014 and end on 31 December 2018.
By virtue of this Decision a temporary experiment is organized at European Union level for assessing whether the production, with a view to marketing, and marketing, under certain conditions, of seed from populations belonging to the species Avena spp., Hordeum spp., Triticum spp. and, Zea mays L., may constitute an improved alternative to the exclusion of the marketing of seed not complying with the requirements prescribed under Directive 66/402/EEC concerning varietal aspects of seeds of certa
Commission Implementing Decision 2014/150/EU on the organisation of a temporary experiment providing for certain derogations for the marketing of populations of the plant species wheat, barley, oats and maize pursuant to Council Directive 66/402/EEC.
European Union
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