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This Decision amends partially the Annexes to Implementing Decision 2011/630/EU, which regulates imports into the European Union of semen of domestic animals of the bovine species. These amendments concern the equivalence between officially tuberculosis-free bovine herds in Member States and in New Zealand and the information in the model animal health certificate on the quantity of semen.
This Decision amends partially the Annexes to Implementing Decision 2011/630/EU, which regulates imports into the European Union of semen of domestic animals of the bovine species. These amendments concern the equivalence between officially tuberculosis-free bovine herds in Member States and in New Zealand and the information in the model animal health certificate on the quantity of semen.
Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/569 amending the Annexes to Implementing Decision 2011/630/EU as regards the equivalence between officially tuberculosis-free bovine herds in Member States and in New Zealand and the information in the model animal health certificate on the quantity of semen.
European Union
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