This Regulation repeals Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2075/2005 laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat (which has been amended several times) and provides for the codification of provisions governing the control of Trichinella in meat. The Regulation is composed of the following Chapters: I) General provisions; II) Obligations of competent authorities and of food business operators; III) Imports; IV) Repeal and final provisions. The following Annexes are attached: I) Detection methods; II) Freezing treatments; III) Examination of animals other than swine; IV) Official recognition of holdings or a compartment as applying controlled housing conditions.
This Regulation repeals Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2075/2005 laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat (which has been amended several times) and provides for the codification of provisions governing the control of Trichinella in meat. The Regulation is composed of the following Chapters: I) General provisions; II) Obligations of competent authorities and of food business operators; III) Imports; IV) Repeal and final provisions. The following Annexes are attache
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1375 laying down specific rules on official controls for Trichinella in meat.
European Union
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