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Regulation No. 338/97 is amended by inserting points 19 and 20 after point 18 of the Notes on interpretation of Annexes A, B, C, and D: "19. In respect of fauna species listed in Annex D, the provisions, shall apply only to live specimens and whole or substantially whole, dead specimens except for taxa which are annotated as follows to show that other parts and derivatives are also covered: 1) Any whole or substantially whole skins, raw or tanned. 2) Any feathers or any skin or other part with feathers on it.
20. In respect of flora species listed in Annex D, the provisions shall apply only to live specimens except taxa which are annotated as follows to how that other parts and derivatives are also covered: 3) Dried and fresh plants, including: leaves, root/rootstock, stems, seeds/spores, bark and fruits".
Moreover, the present Regulation replaces Annex D to Council Regulation (EC) No. 338/97.
Regulation No. 338/97 is amended by inserting points 19 and 20 after point 18 of the Notes on interpretation of Annexes A, B, C, and D: "19. In respect of fauna species listed in Annex D, the provisions, shall apply only to live specimens and whole or substantially whole, dead specimens except for taxa which are annotated as follows to show that other parts and derivatives are also covered: 1) Any whole or substantially whole skins, raw or tanned. 2) Any feathers or any skin or other part with f
Commission Regulation (EC) 938/97 amending Council Regulation (EC) No. 338/97 on the protection of species of wild fauna and flora by regulating trade therein.
European Union
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