The Act consists of 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Regulation of Taking of Sedentary Organisms (II); Offences (III); Research (IV); Miscellaneous (V).
The Act regulates the taking of sedentary species and "extends to all parts of the continental shelf, and applies to all persons, including foreigners, and to all ships, including foreign ships" (sect. 3). It does not apply to the taking of sedentary species. The prohibition to take sedentary species may be applied to certain periods of time, the size of the species, the total allowable catch or a specified area of the continental shelf. The taking of sedentary species is subject to the granting of a licence by the Minister, according to the conditions and modalities set out by articles 7 and 8. Furthermore, the Act regulates the powers of the officers, which are connected with the enforcement of the law (inter alia, inspection of ships and equipment, seizure of ships, investigations, etc.).
The Act regulates the taking of sedentary species and "extends to all parts of the continental shelf, and applies to all persons, including foreigners, and to all ships, including foreign ships" (sect. 3). It does not apply to the taking of sedentary species. The prohibition to take sedentary species may be applied to certain periods of time, the size of the species, the total allowable catch or a specified area of the continental shelf. The taking of sedentary species is subject to the granting of a licence by the Minister, according to the conditions and modalities set out by articles 7 and 8. Furthermore, the Act regulates the powers of the officers, which are connected with the enforcement of the law (inter alia, inspection of ships and equipment, seizure of ships, investigations, etc.).
The Act consists of 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Regulation of Taking of Sedentary Organisms (II); Offences (III); Research (IV); Miscellaneous (V).
Consolidated version of the Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act, 1974 as amended by Act No. 5 of 1977.
Continental Shelf (Living Natural Resources) Act (Chapter 210).
Papua New Guinea
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