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With the purpose of aligning the Cypriot legislative frame with Council Directive 82/883/EEC of 3 December 1982 on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industry, the present Regulations aim at defining the surveillance and monitoring of the effects caused to ambient air by the discharge of waste from the titanium dioxide industry. In general, these regulations provide that the competent authority has the obligation to supervise and monitor the air quality affected by pollution from the titanium dioxide industry. For this purpose the exact positions of sampling as well as the time frequency for the samplings, are defined. The parameters to be identified and methods of measurement are listed in the Annex to these Regulations. The Regulations also include the obligation of the competent authority to provide the European Commission with information for each physical space where the air is affected by discharges of waste from the titanium dioxide industry. The data to be submitted to the Commission include the location, description of sampling methods, methods of measurement and analysis used and the results of measurements.
With the purpose of aligning the Cypriot legislative frame with Council Directive 82/883/EEC of 3 December 1982 on procedures for the surveillance and monitoring of environments concerned by waste from the titanium dioxide industry, the present Regulations aim at defining the surveillance and monitoring of the effects caused to ambient air by the discharge of waste from the titanium dioxide industry. In general, these regulations provide that the competent authority has the obligation to supervi
The issuance of these Regulations is made pursuant to article 9 of the Control of Atmospheric Pollution Law of 2002.
Control of Atmospheric Pollution (Procedures for the Surveillance and Monitoring of Environments concerned by Waste from Titanium Dioxide Industry) Regulations, 2002 (P.I. 545/2002).
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