This Regulation lays down amendments to Regulation (EC) No. 1035/2001 which establishes a catch documentation scheme applicable to Dissostichus spp. Firstly, the application scope of the Regulation is reduced. Hereinafter, it shall apply to the Dissostichus spp. falling within the TARIC codes referred to in article 1 (1) hereto. On the other side, it shall not apply to by-catches of Dissostichus spp. taken by trawlers fishing on the high seas outside the CCAMLR area. Further amendments regard: the obligations of the master; the obligations of Member States in the event of landing, importation, exportation or re-exportation; obligations of importers and exporters; transmission of data by flag Member States. In addition, Chapter VIa shall be inserted after Chapter VI. This new Chapter is concerned with the sale of seized or confiscated fish. Moreover, Annex II, containing the specimen of the catch document, shall be replaced by the Annex hereto.
This Regulation lays down amendments to Regulation (EC) No. 1035/2001 which establishes a catch documentation scheme applicable to Dissostichus spp. Firstly, the application scope of the Regulation is reduced. Hereinafter, it shall apply to the Dissostichus spp. falling within the TARIC codes referred to in article 1 (1) hereto. On the other side, it shall not apply to by-catches of Dissostichus spp. taken by trawlers fishing on the high seas outside the CCAMLR area. Further amendments regard: t
Council Regulation (EC) No. 669/2003 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1035/2001 establishing a catch documentation scheme for Dissostichus spp.
European Union
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