The introduction into the Community of cetacean products to be used for commercial purposes is prohibited. The introduction into the Community of whales or other cetacean products for other purposes shall be subject to the production of an import licence, to be issued by the competent authorities designed by Member States. The licence shall not be issued in respect of products destined to commercial purposes. Article 2 provides for the setting up of a Committee on Cetacean Products. Additionally, the same article describes the procedure to be followed by the Committee in the implementation of this Regulation.
The introduction into the Community of cetacean products to be used for commercial purposes is prohibited. The introduction into the Community of whales or other cetacean products for other purposes shall be subject to the production of an import licence, to be issued by the competent authorities designed by Member States. The licence shall not be issued in respect of products destined to commercial purposes. Article 2 provides for the setting up of a Committee on Cetacean Products. Additionally
Council Regulation (EEC) No. 348/81 on common rules for imports of whales or other cetacean products.
European Union
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