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The present Regulation enforces the Saxon Water Law in its version of 23 July 1998. In particular the Regulations lays down provisions relating to planning, construction, running and maintenance of dams, water tanks and retention basins. The text consists of 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Water legislation authorization (B); Planning (C); Construction (D); Running and monitoring (E); Maintenance (F); Plant documentation (G); Entry into force (H). One Annex is enclosed.
The present Regulation enforces the Saxon Water Law in its version of 23 July 1998. In particular the Regulations lays down provisions relating to planning, construction, running and maintenance of dams, water tanks and retention basins. The text consists of 7 Parts as follows: General provisions (A); Water legislation authorization (B); Planning (C); Construction (D); Running and monitoring (E); Maintenance (F); Plant documentation (G); Entry into force (H). One Annex is enclosed.
Dam Installation Administrative Regulation.
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