This Decision, consisting of six Parts, establishes Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management Standard. It aims at conserving and protecting the environment in the area and surrounding farm area. Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management has adopted the Asean GAP. This Module includes the requirements that producers and operators shall apply in production system in order to preserve and protect the environment inside and surrounding areas of farm. These Standards apply to individual, entity, family and organizations within country and outside the country that wants to produce Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management standard in Lao PDR.
This Decision, consisting of six Parts, establishes Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management Standard. It aims at conserving and protecting the environment in the area and surrounding farm area. Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management has adopted the Asean GAP. This Module includes the requirements that producers and operators shall apply in production system in order to preserve and protect the environment inside and surrounding areas of farm. These Standards appl
Agreement as pursuant to: Law on Agriculture, No. 1/98 LNA, Dated 10 October 1998; Decree of Prime Minister, No.148/PMO, dated 10 May 2007 on the Organization and Role of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Letter of department of Agriculture, No.1176/DOA, dated 09 November 2010.
Decision No. 0538/MAF of the Minister on Good Agriculture Practices for Environmental Management Standard.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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