This Decision, consisting of four Chapters, establises the form and size of timber products. The objective of this Decision is to set out the definition, form and type of timber products produced by wood processing manufacture fulfilling the criteria in order: to raise awareness and understanding on timber products in Lao PDR for uniformity throughout the country; to ensure that the restructuring of the wood processing industry manufacture meet the standard and be modernized; to create added value for the timber products that has been processed either through industrial or handicraft processes, aiming at increasing exportation; to manage and promote the use of log as raw material from limited natural resource for optimum benefit and protect the environment and biodiversity for security and sustainability. The Decision is divided as follows: General provisions (I); Form and size of timber product (II); Inspection, certification and measures against violator (III); Final provisions (IV).
This Decision, consisting of four Chapters, establises the form and size of timber products. The objective of this Decision is to set out the definition, form and type of timber products produced by wood processing manufacture fulfilling the criteria in order: to raise awareness and understanding on timber products in Lao PDR for uniformity throughout the country; to ensure that the restructuring of the wood processing industry manufacture meet the standard and be modernized; to create added val
Pursuant to the following: Industrial Processing Law No. 01-99/NA dated 3 April 1999 and its Implementing Decree No. 67/PM dated 12 April 2006; Decree on the Structure and Activities of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce No. 188/PM dated 17 August 2006; Decision on the Standard of Wood, Rattan and Bamboo Processing Manufacture No. 0221/MOIC dated 13 February 2007 and the Decision on the Management of Industrial Processing Manufacture No. 1301/MOIC dated 30 July 2007.This Decision replaces Decision No. 1048/MOIC.DOI, dated 26 June 2008.
Decision No. 1415/MOIC.DOI on the form and size of timber products.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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