This Decision consisting of nine Groups and six Appendixes, establishes the Organic Agriculture Standards. They are designed to promote Clean Agriculture within the agriculture and forestry sectors, and to ensure that the management of agriculture production in Lao PDR is in accordance with the agriculture legislation. These Organic Agriculture Standards are based on the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Basic Standards. Standards for the certification of Organic products govern the management, harvesting and processing stages. Organic Agriculture benefits living system by: Developing integrated farming production systems that respect the diversity of plants and animals; Increasing the long-term fertility and biological activity of soils by using locally adapted cultural, biological and mechanical methods as opposed to reliance on inputs; Using renewable resources on the farm; Using sustainable production systems which promote agricultural and natural biodiversity, and which protect plant and wildlife habitats; Avoiding practices that will pollute the environment; Providing everyone involved in organic farming with a quality of life that satisfies their Basic needs, with a safe, secure and healthy working environment, and; in to principles of natural handling and processing, that conserve energy and with a minimum impact on the environment.
This Decision consisting of nine Groups and six Appendixes, establishes the Organic Agriculture Standards. They are designed to promote Clean Agriculture within the agriculture and forestry sectors, and to ensure that the management of agriculture production in Lao PDR is in accordance with the agriculture legislation. These Organic Agriculture Standards are based on the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Basic Standards. Standards for the certification of Organic
This Decision is referred as follows to: Agriculture Law No.1/98 LNA, dated 10 October 1998; Prime Minister CB (DOA) No.89/PMO, dated 22 June 1999 on the Organization and Role of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; the joint ASEAN AFTA Agreement of Lao PDR; the joint WTO of Lao PDR.
Decision No. 1666/MAF of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry on Organic Agriculture Standards.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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