This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down some amendments to Decree on requirements for fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, processed fruits and processed vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, potatoes and their products. In particular the present Decree lays down classification of groups and minimal weight proportion of fruits in 1kg of food (amended Annex 2) and establishes physical and chemical quality requirements for compotes, jams, jellies, marmalades, pickles and candied fruit (amended Annex 4 Table 2).
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture lays down some amendments to Decree on requirements for fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, processed fruits and processed vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, potatoes and their products. In particular the present Decree lays down classification of groups and minimal weight proportion of fruits in 1kg of food (amended Annex 2) and establishes physical and chemical quality requirements for compotes, jams, jellies, marmalades, pickles and candied fruit (amended A
Decree amending Decree on requirements for fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, processed fruits and processed vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, potatoes and their products.
Czech Republic
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