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The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is composed of nine articles and three Annexes. Classifying slaughter bodies of swine is executed in all slaughter houses. Slaughter prepared body is defined as a slaughter body of killed swine with two adherent halves with head, without kidney fat, without organs of chest cavity, stomach cavity, without tongue, bristle, nails, sexual organs, kidneys and tail. Slaughter prepared bodies of swine are classified as quality classes by categories, mass and sex, as specified in Annex 1.
The Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture is composed of nine articles and three Annexes. Classifying slaughter bodies of swine is executed in all slaughter houses. Slaughter prepared body is defined as a slaughter body of killed swine with two adherent halves with head, without kidney fat, without organs of chest cavity, stomach cavity, without tongue, bristle, nails, sexual organs, kidneys and tail. Slaughter prepared bodies of swine are classified as quality classes by categories, mass and se
Decree on classifying slaughter swine and on issuing certificate of specialized qualifications.
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