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This Decree designates: protected domestic plant species for purposes of article 3 of the Flora and Fauna Act; non-protected species of mammals and birds and protected species of domestic animals for purposes of article 4 of the Act; protected exotic species for purposes of article 5 of the Act; and plant, animal and fish species for purposes of article 14 of the Act.
This Decree designates: protected domestic plant species for purposes of article 3 of the Flora and Fauna Act; non-protected species of mammals and birds and protected species of domestic animals for purposes of article 4 of the Act; protected exotic species for purposes of article 5 of the Act; and plant, animal and fish species for purposes of article 14 of the Act.
Consolidated version of a Decree of 28 November 2000 as at 23 July 2010.
Decree designating species of flora and fauna pursuant to the Flora and Fauna Act.
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