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The Decree of the Ministry of Environment, which is composed of 13 articles and four Annexes, establishes requirements for the quality of: solid fossil fuels and fuels produced from them which are intended for the combustion in stationery installations for the combustion of fuels with nominal thermal input power up to 0.3 MW; liquid oil fuels which are leaden heating oil and gaseous oil intended for the combustion in stationery sources of air pollution; petrol and oil-fuel to be used for vehicles. The Decree lays down also requirements for keeping the registration, type, scope and way of providing information which must be submitted by producers, importers or salesmen to the regional office of the environment.
The Decree of the Ministry of Environment, which is composed of 13 articles and four Annexes, establishes requirements for the quality of: solid fossil fuels and fuels produced from them which are intended for the combustion in stationery installations for the combustion of fuels with nominal thermal input power up to 0.3 MW; liquid oil fuels which are leaden heating oil and gaseous oil intended for the combustion in stationery sources of air pollution; petrol and oil-fuel to be used for vehicle
Decree establishing requirements for the quality of fuels and keeping registration on fuels.
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