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Article 3 of this Decree further elaborates the concept, introduced by article 3 of the Law, of administration by the State of all land that is in ownership of the national community. Individuals are prohibited from using land as a commodity for sale. The Central Land Allocation and Land and Forest Land Granting Committee coordinates carrying out of land surveys and the allocation of land in accordance with articles 3 and 4. Other provisions deal with the protection of land rights, use of agricultural land, lawsuits and issue of rules by relevant ministries. (10 articles)
Article 3 of this Decree further elaborates the concept, introduced by article 3 of the Law, of administration by the State of all land that is in ownership of the national community. Individuals are prohibited from using land as a commodity for sale. The Central Land Allocation and Land and Forest Land Granting Committee coordinates carrying out of land surveys and the allocation of land in accordance with articles 3 and 4. Other provisions deal with the protection of land rights, use of agricu
Decree on the implementation of the Land Law.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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