This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of 20 articles and four Annexes, regulates labeling requirements for foodstuffs placed on the market, provided to restaurants, hospitals, canteens and other similar mass caterers, advertising or presenting foodtufs intended for the final consumption. Foodstuffs shall be marked on the packaging for the final consumer or mass caterer or on the integral part of the packaging. General labeling requiremements are specified in art. 3, labeling of names of foodstuffs in art. 4, labeling of quantity in art. 4 and 5, date of minimum durability and food consumption in art. 7, instructions for the use of foodstuffs in art. 8. Art. 9-11 contain information on labeling of ingredients.
This Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, which is composed of 20 articles and four Annexes, regulates labeling requirements for foodstuffs placed on the market, provided to restaurants, hospitals, canteens and other similar mass caterers, advertising or presenting foodtufs intended for the final consumption. Foodstuffs shall be marked on the packaging for the final consumer or mass caterer or on the integral part of the packaging. General labeling requiremements are spec
Decree on labeling of foodstuffs.
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