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This Decree-Law, composed of 6 articles and one Annex, modifies and approves maximum residue limits for pesticides admitted in the agricultural products of cereals, fruit and vegetable. The Decree-Law introduces into the national legal system, for the parts related to agriculture products, the Commission Directives no. 2003/113/CE, 2003/118/CE and 2004/2/CE issued respectively on 3 December, 5 December and 9 January 2003.
This Decree-Law, composed of 6 articles and one Annex, modifies and approves maximum residue limits for pesticides admitted in the agricultural products of cereals, fruit and vegetable. The Decree-Law introduces into the national legal system, for the parts related to agriculture products, the Commission Directives no. 2003/113/CE, 2003/118/CE and 2004/2/CE issued respectively on 3 December, 5 December and 9 January 2003.
This Decree-Law implements EU Commission Directive No. 2003/118.
Decree-Law No. 116/2004 on pesticide residues admitted in vegetable agricultural products.
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