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This Decree-Law introduces in the national legal system EC Directive No. 2002/99/CE ruling on sanitary measures for production, transformation, distribution, and introduction of animal products used for human consumption. The Decree-Law devotes particular attention to import of animal products from third countries. Four Annexes provide, respectively: list of diseases having implications in the trade of animal products; treatments for eliminating sanitary risks deriving from milk and meat; identification marking for imported meat; certification general principles.
This Decree-Law introduces in the national legal system EC Directive No. 2002/99/CE ruling on sanitary measures for production, transformation, distribution, and introduction of animal products used for human consumption. The Decree-Law devotes particular attention to import of animal products from third countries. Four Annexes provide, respectively: list of diseases having implications in the trade of animal products; treatments for eliminating sanitary risks deriving from milk and meat; identi
Decree-Law No. 163/2005 implementing EC Directive No. 2002/99/CE on sanitary measures for animal products used for human consumption.
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