This Decree-Law, consisting of 37 articles divided into three Chapters, creates the Authority for Inspection of Economic, Sanitary and Food Activities (AIFAESA, I.P.). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Authority, entitled to ensure to carry out food quality control activities, transport and health conditions of production and marketing places, for establishments and places of public use. In addition, it is responsible for eliminating, reducing or preventing risks to public health, as well as to discipline economic activities in the food and non-food sectors and to control in the field of metrology and standardization, through inspection activities and monitoring the compliance with related legislation; verify food compliance with relevant legislation and the conformity of the quality of bottled potable water, public water network, reservoirs and springs; prohibit the manufacture, storage, distribution or sale of illegal food, as well as seize and destroy it under the law; verify the conformity of hygiene and sanitary conditions for vehicles carrying foodstuff and infrastructure aimed at slaughtering, processing, manufacturing, distributing, handling, selling and placing foodstuffs to the market; supervise industrial, commercial, agricultural or service activity, etc.
This Decree-Law, consisting of 37 articles divided into three Chapters, creates the Authority for Inspection of Economic, Sanitary and Food Activities (AIFAESA, I.P.). It establishes composition, duties and responsibilities of the above mentioned Authority, entitled to ensure to carry out food quality control activities, transport and health conditions of production and marketing places, for establishments and places of public use. In addition, it is responsible for eliminating, reducing or prev
This Decree-Law repeals Government Decree No. 11/2008 of 8 June.
Decree-Law No. 26/2016 creating the Authority for Inspection of Economic, Sanitary and Food Activities (AIFAESA, I.P.).
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