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This Decree-Law, composed of 32 articles divided in seven Chapters, rules on water supply for public consumption. Potable water is defined as an exhaustible and vulnerable resource, essential to the sustenance of life and to the development of the environment and bears an economic value in all of its concurrent uses. It is therefore constitutionally incumbent upon the State to preserve and to enhance such economic value. This Decree-Law shall create and establish the conditions for water distribution for domestic use. The water supply system shall aim to ensure that the Timorese communities have access to water supply services that are essential to public health. The Decree-Law regulates the Water and Sanitation Service, the Register of the Water Supply System, as well as standardized piping features. Particular attention is paid to water distribution in urban areas and in monitoring activities. Finally, the Decree-Law provides sanctions and fines for non-compliance.
This Decree-Law, composed of 32 articles divided in seven Chapters, rules on water supply for public consumption. Potable water is defined as an exhaustible and vulnerable resource, essential to the sustenance of life and to the development of the environment and bears an economic value in all of its concurrent uses. It is therefore constitutionally incumbent upon the State to preserve and to enhance such economic value. This Decree-Law shall create and establish the conditions for water distrib
Decree-Law No. 4/2004 on water supply for public consumption.
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