This Decree sets forth the procedure for performance of work on clearing of river beds and banks consolidation. The purpose of the work on clearing the beds of watercourses and consolidation of their banks shall be to ensure the stable and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows along the waterways of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The aforesaid work shall be coordinated by ad hoc Commission constituted by Presidential Resolution. Projects to ensure the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows along watercourses shall be formed and implemented in accordance with the following basic requirements: (a) stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows along watercourses should provide for the protection of settlements, irrigated lands, waterworks and other social facilities; (b) measures for the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows shall be developed and implemented on the basis of integrated engineering and technical surveys and studies (engineering geological, topogeodetic, hydrometeorological, laboratory, environmental and socio-economic), as well as design estimates documentation approved according to established modalities; (c) engineering and technical surveys and studies on the development of measures for the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows along watercourses should be carried out in a comprehensive manner, including the study of the state of the channels of waterways, protective structures, waterworks and other social facilities along their channels; (d) protective works for the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mud flows should include the introduction of modern technologies and results of best practices in the construction, reconstruction, repair and restoration of protective structures, waterworks and other social facilities along watercourses; (e) measures for the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters and mud flows can be adjusted with the consideration of the actual water and hydrometeorological situation; and (f) priority and order of precedence in the implementation of protective measures should be determined with the consideration of their social significance, as well as hydrometeorological forecasts and the actual state of the watercourses and structures located thereon.
This Decree sets forth the procedure for performance of work on clearing of river beds and banks consolidation. The purpose of the work on clearing the beds of watercourses and consolidation of their banks shall be to ensure the stable and safe passage of flood waters and mudflows along the waterways of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The aforesaid work shall be coordinated by ad hoc Commission constituted by Presidential Resolution. Projects to ensure the stabilized and safe passage of flood waters
Decree No. 1009 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on performance of work on clearing of river beds and banks consolidation.
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