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Article 1 of this Decree determines the scope of duties of the National Atomic Energy Office among which the most important are the coordination of Hungarian participation in the research and development framework program of EURATOM, cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and with other international atomic energy agencies, carrying out of duties for the national implementation of intergovernmental agreements in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy. The Office has also the duty of reporting to international and European organizations. Further provisions of the Decree concern the imposition of a fine, the appointment of technical authorities listed in Annexes 1 and 2, and the scientific board and its members.
Article 1 of this Decree determines the scope of duties of the National Atomic Energy Office among which the most important are the coordination of Hungarian participation in the research and development framework program of EURATOM, cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and with other international atomic energy agencies, carrying out of duties for the national implementation of intergovernmental agreements in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy. The Office has also the
Decree No. 112 of 2011 (VII. 4.) Korm. of the Government concerning European and international obligations in the field of nuclear energy of the National Atomic Energy Office and its related duties, on the appointment of technical authorities collaborating with the Office in its proceedings, on the measure of fines leviable, and on the scientific board which assists the Office in its work.
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