This Decree, made under the articles 4, first paragraph a) and c), article 6, d), 8, 13, 14 and 32(b) first paragraph of the Commodities Act, prohibits the preparation of or trade in food supplements that do not meet the requirements and standards laid down by this Decree (art. 2). A definition of food supplements is given in article 1. Other legislation listed in articles 4, 6 and 7 apply to food supplements. Packing and labelling of food supplements is regulated by article 1 of the Labelling Decree made under the Commodities Act. It shall be prohibited to trade in falsely labelled food supplements (art. 3). as for ingredients that may be used in the preparation of food supplements, the Minister shall issue rules to implement article 4, first comma and article 5, fourth comma, of the Directive (arts. 3 and 4). Articles 6 and 7 make further provision with respect to labelling of food supplements.
This Decree prohibits the preparation of or trade in food supplements that do not meet the requirements and standards laid down by this Decree (art. 2). A definition of food supplements is given in article 1. Other legislation listed in articles 4, 6 and 7 apply to food supplements. Packing and labelling of food supplements is regulated by article 1 of the Labelling Decree made under the Commodities Act. It shall be prohibited to trade in falsely labelled food supplements (art. 3). as for ingred
Consolidated version of the Decree no. BWBR0014814 of 15 March 2003, as last amended on April 03, 2013 (Staatsblad no. 146 of 2013), entered into force on December 13, 2014.
Decree no. BWBR0014814 of 15 March 2003 containing rules relative to food supplements (Food Supplements Commodities Act Decree).
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