This Decree introduces state-guaranteed purchase prices for raw cotton (Annex 1), spiked cereals (Annex 2), the amount of state-guaranteed credits for cultivation of raw cotton (Annexes 3-1 3-14 and 4-1 4-14) and state-guaranteed credits for cultivation of spiked cereals (Annexes 5-1 5.14 and 6-1 6-14). Its establishes that beginning from 1 March 2018 trade of mineral fertilizers shall be performed exclusively through exchange trades, specifying terms and conditions of exchange trade. Annex 8 contains Regulation on crediting of farmers cultivating raw cotton and spiked cereals. Commercial banks shall open credit lines for borrowers to finance their costs for growing raw cotton and spiked grain crops on terms of fixed deadlines, repayment, payment, security and specific targeted use of credits. Loans shall be allocated for the following purposes: (a) payment of wages, taxes and other obligatory payments; (b) purchase of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection means; (c) purchase of fuels and lubricants; (d) payment for seed; (e) payment for mechanized services rendered by business entities, regardless of ownership, possessing agricultural machinery; (f) payment of leasing payments for agricultural equipment supplied under leasing terms (financial leasing); (g) payment for the services of water user associations (WUAs); (h) payment for the supplied electricity; and (i) payment of other costs and needs related to the cultivation of raw cotton and spiked cereals.
This Decree introduces state-guaranteed purchase prices for raw cotton (Annex 1), spiked cereals (Annex 2), the amount of state-guaranteed credits for cultivation of raw cotton (Annexes 3-1 — 3-14 and 4-1 — 4-14) and state-guaranteed credits for cultivation of spiked cereals (Annexes 5-1 — 5.14 and 6-1 — 6-14). Its establishes that beginning from 1 March 2018 trade of mineral fertilizers shall be performed exclusively through exchange trades, specifying terms and conditions of exchange trade. An
Decree No. 149 of the Cabinet of Ministers On measures for large-scale introduction of market mechanisms in agriculture .
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