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This Decree defines the content of a Extraction Waste Management Plan and concerns permits as defined in section 8.1. of the Environment Protection Act or section 1 of the Act on the Pollution of Surface Waters. In particular, the Decree defines the conditions the competent authority shall attach to permits. These conditions regard the operation of waste treatment facilities and aim at the protection of water and soil.
This Decree defines the content of a Extraction Waste Management Plan and concerns permits as defined in section 8.1. of the Environment Protection Act or section 1 of the Act on the Pollution of Surface Waters. In particular, the Decree defines the conditions the competent authority shall attach to permits. These conditions regard the operation of waste treatment facilities and aim at the protection of water and soil.
Decree No. 182 of 2008 partially implementing Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the management of waste from extractive industries and amending Directive 2004/35/EC (Decree Management Extraction Waste).
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