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This Decree provides rules concerning the operation of the identification and registration system of ovine and caprine animals . Animals must be marked with ear tags bilaterally or with other marking method. This Decree sets forth also provisions regarding holding registers, the transport of animals, the documentation that must accompany the transported animals, the tasks of authorities and entities having a role in the identification and registration system, inspections, reporting and sanctions.
This Decree provides rules concerning the operation of the identification and registration system of ovine and caprine animals . Animals must be marked with ear tags bilaterally or with other marking method. This Decree sets forth also provisions regarding holding registers, the transport of animals, the documentation that must accompany the transported animals, the tasks of authorities and entities having a role in the identification and registration system, inspections, reporting and sanctions
Decree No. 182 of 2009 (XII. 30.) FVM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on the Integrated Identification and Registration System of ovine and caprine animals.
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