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This Regulation obliges farmers to use a soil desinfection substance on the same land not more than once every four years until the year 2001 and after that year only one every 5 years, thus stimulating farmers to use plant varieties that are less vulnerable to pests and diseases. The use of a soil desinfection substance without a permit is prohibited. Also sale or storage of such substances require a permit. certain exceptions on the rule of article 5 egarding the use of soil desinfection substances on the land may be allowed by Ministerial Decree. (14 articles)
This Regulation obliges farmers to use a soil desinfection substance on the same land not more than once every four years until the year 2001 and after that year only one every 5 years, thus stimulating farmers to use plant varieties that are less vulnerable to pests and diseases. The use of a soil desinfection substance without a permit is prohibited. Also sale or storage of such substances require a permit. certain exceptions on the rule of article 5 egarding the use of soil desinfection subst
Decree No. 22 of 1993 relative to the regulation of soil desinfection substances.
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