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This Decree provides for the indication of public waters as subsidiary arteries of principal arteries in the sense of the Executive Decree Water Management. The indication implies that provisions of the Act Pollution of Surface Waters and the Water Resources Management Act may be applicable to the waters connected to the principal State Waters. The principal waters and the indicated subsidiary waters thus form one water for water management purposes. Indication is necessary because management of the subsidiary water separately from management of the main water is considered ineffective.
This Decree provides for the indication of public waters as subsidiary arteries of principal arteries in the sense of the Executive Decree Water Management. The indication implies that provisions of the Act Pollution of Surface Waters and the Water Resources Management Act may be applicable to the waters connected to the principal State Waters. The principal waters and the indicated subsidiary waters thus form one water for water management purposes. Indication is necessary because management of
Decree No. 220 of 1999 on Indication Subsidiary Waters of Principal Water Arteries.
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