This Decree determines tasks, functions, rights and duties of state bodies performing public control over geological exploration, management and protection of subsoil and also establishes the modalities of performance of the aforesaid control. The scope of state control shall be enforcement of the legislation on subsoil management, application of rules and regulations in the sphere of geological exploration and protection of subsoil, and also prevention of unauthorized subsoil management.
This Decree determines tasks, functions, rights and duties of state bodies performing public control over geological exploration, management and protection of subsoil and also establishes the modalities of performance of the aforesaid control. The scope of state control shall be enforcement of the legislation on subsoil management, application of rules and regulations in the sphere of geological exploration and protection of subsoil, and also prevention of unauthorized subsoil management.
Decree No. 220 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on state supervision over geological exploration, management and protection of subsoil.
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