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This Decree is divided into three parts and twelve chapters and contains specific rules aimed at the implementation of the basic legislation concerning disaster management. Part I provides general rules, including terminology used, detailed description of duties of authorities involved in disaster prevention and disaster recovery, rules of cooperation in international disasters and its financing. Part II contains the disaster prevention regulation, in particular gives provisions concerning the method of classification of human settlements, risk assessment, planning of disaster prevention, measures for the protection of the population, rules of cooperation of voluntary rescue organizations, rules regarding public security officers, financial and material services provided for disaster prevention and compensation of damages, rules concerning disaster areas, recovery and reconstruction, provision of land survey and mapping information for disaster prevention purposes. Part III contains final provisions.
This Decree is divided into three parts and twelve chapters and contains specific rules aimed at the implementation of the basic legislation concerning disaster management. Part I provides general rules, including terminology used, detailed description of duties of authorities involved in disaster prevention and disaster recovery, rules of cooperation in international disasters and its financing. Part II contains the disaster prevention regulation, in particular gives provisions concerning the m
Decree No. 234 of 2011 (XI. 10.) of the Government implementing Act No. CXXVIII of 2011 concerning disaster management and amending certain related acts.
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