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This Regulation restricts fishing with other methods than those specified in areas which are indicated in the Decree Maritime Areas and Coastal Waters 1970 (Staatsblad No. 176), with the exception of certain specified areas. Article 7 of the Fisheries Act, 1963 prohibits fishing in waters for which another person has fishing rights. The Regulation seeks to prevent hindrance of fishing on oysters and mussels by other fishing. (3 articles)
This Regulation restricts fishing with other methods than those specified in areas which are indicated in the Decree Maritime Areas and Coastal Waters 1970 (Staatsblad No. 176), with the exception of certain specified areas. Article 7 of the Fisheries Act, 1963 prohibits fishing in waters for which another person has fishing rights. The Regulation seeks to prevent hindrance of fishing on oysters and mussels by other fishing. (3 articles)
Consolidated version of Decree No. 314 of 1989 as at 19 February 2016.
Decree No. 314 of 2 June 1989 to carry into effect article 7, second paragraph, comma c, of the Fisheries Act 1963 (Decree Restriction Free Fishery in Coastal Waters).
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