The purpose of this Decree is the prevention of harm to and pollution of underground waters and geological agents, the reduction and elimination of pollution and damage exceeding limit values. This Decree applies to underground waters and geological agent, to hazardous substances, and to activities emitting hazardous substances into underground waters and geological agents. Article 3 contains the definition of "hazardous substance" and of other terms used in this Decree. In case of pollution exceeding limit values an indemnification must be determined. Articles 6-9. regard rules of proceeding of inspections which is the duty of environmental protection inspectorates. Disposal and emission of hazardous substances into underground waters may be authorized. Authorized activities must inform the competent inspectorate and report data regarding the level of pollution caused to underground waters and soil. According to Article 17 an Environmental Protection Record System on Underground Waters and Geological Agents shall be established. Articles 18-28. deal with indemnification. There are provisions regarding permanent damages caused to the environment. Offenders of prohibitions are liable to a penalty. Rules of determination of the penalty are determined in Articles 31-33. Annex 1 shows the list of hazardous substances in compliance with EU Council Directive 80/68. Annex 2/1 classifies areas in terms of their sensitivity to pollution. Annex 3 lists the activities that are subject to authorization, among which we can find plant production, stockbreeding, forestry, fishery, mining, food industry sectors, chemical industry, water abstraction, water treatment and supply, waste water and waste treatment, collection and disposal of wastes, etc.
The purpose of this Decree is the prevention of harm to and pollution of underground waters and geological agents, the reduction and elimination of pollution and damage exceeding limit values. This Decree applies to underground waters and geological agent, to hazardous substances, and to activities emitting hazardous substances into underground waters and geological agents. Article 3 contains the definition of "hazardous substance" and of other terms used in this Decree. In case of pollution exc
Decree No. 33 of 2000 of the Government regarding certain duties related to activities affecting the quality of underground waters.
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