This Decree implements obligations for the Netherlands deriving from the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty done at Madrid on 4 October 1991. Articles 3 to 6 apply to ships being present in the Antarctic area, i.e. the area south of 60 S. The Decree regulates the duping and/or storage of sanitary waste from ships. It shall be prohibited to dump waste within 12 nautical miles of ice shelves. There shall be on board enough storage room for sanitary waste and a sanitary waste record shall be kept in which dumping of waste is registered.
This Decree implements obligations for the Netherlands deriving from the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty done at Madrid on 4 October 1991. Articles 3 to 6 apply to ships being present in the Antarctic area, i.e. the area south of 60° S. The Decree regulates the duping and/or storage of sanitary waste from ships. It shall be prohibited to dump waste within 12 nautical miles of ice shelves. There shall be on board enough storage room for sanitary waste and a sanitary w
Made under the Shipping Act.
Decree No. 39 of 2002 containing rules relative to prevention of sanitary waste pollution from ships.
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