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This Decree concerns GMO's and undesirable effects on the environment. "Genetically Modifies Organisms" is defined in article 1 as organisms of which the genetic material is modified in a such a way that such modification would not be possible with natural methods and by way of reproduction or "recombination" and which have the capacity to multiply such genetic material or to carry it over to other organisms. Article 2 makes a distinction between several categories of modified organisms. Chapter 2 provides for several cautionary measures for "restricted use" of genetically modified organisms; Risk analysis prior to use of mechanisms to be carried out by the future user; communication of first use and yearly report; permits for use; Chapter III regulates permits for the introduction of genetically modified organisms. Article 27 of Chapter IV provides for the establishment of a Temporary Commission for Genetic Engineering. The Commission shall advise the Minister and classify the various activities carried out in the field genetic engineering in risk groups. (36 articles completed by 4 Annexes)
This Decree concerns GMO's and undesirable effects on the environment. "Genetically Modifies Organisms" is defined in article 1 as organisms of which the genetic material is modified in a such a way that such modification would not be possible with natural methods and by way of reproduction or "recombination" and which have the capacity to multiply such genetic material or to carry it over to other organisms. Article 2 makes a distinction between several categories of modified organisms. Chapter
Consolidated version as at 23 July 2010.Made under the Act Concerning Environmentally Harmful Substances (No. 53 of 1990).
Decree No. 435 of 1993 on Genetically Modified Organisms Based on the Act Concerning Environmentally Harmful Substances.
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