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This Decree applies to: seeds and planting materials of vegetables (herbs, volatile-oil plants as well) listed in Annex 1 and 2; to their production, processing, marketing, utilization and packaging; to the persons and entities performing these activities; and to the Central Agricultural Office and to its local offices as authority for classification, inspection and monitoring. This Decree sets out detailed rules of producing, processing and marketing of vegetable seeds and planting materials, their commercial classification and certification, packaging and labeling, rules of internal and international trade, inspection on the field, sampling and testing, and sanctions.
This Decree applies to: seeds and planting materials of vegetables (herbs, volatile-oil plants as well) listed in Annex 1 and 2; to their production, processing, marketing, utilization and packaging; to the persons and entities performing these activities; and to the Central Agricultural Office and to its local offices as authority for classification, inspection and monitoring. This Decree sets out detailed rules of producing, processing and marketing of vegetable seeds and planting materials, t
Decree No. 50 of 2004 (IV. 22.) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development concerning the production and marketing of planting materials of vegetables.
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