The Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council shall carry out research regarding aspects of the environment, town and country planning and nature conservation and restoration in the Netherlands. The Council may submit policy proposals to the Minister of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries, shall coordinate research efforts in the sector, shall indicate new issues in the sector regarding the environment and nature conservation and carry out other tasks laid down in article 4. The Council shall consist of 15 members appointed by the Minister in accordance with article 5.
The Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council shall carry out research regarding aspects of the environment, town and country planning and nature conservation and restoration in the Netherlands. The Council may submit policy proposals to the Minister of Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Fisheries, shall coordinate research efforts in the sector, shall indicate new issues in the sector regarding the environment and nature conservation and carry out other tasks laid dow
Decree No. 509 of 2000 relative to the establishment of the Environment, Nature and Town and Country Planning Research Council.
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