The Government, in order to form market relations between farms, other agricultural producers and enterprises of the textile industry, to ensure the production of competitive products with high added value based on the introduction of modern forms of organization of cotton and textile production, decrees to create, taking into account the approbation of cotton-textile production in the territories under the list in accordance with Appendix No. 1, providing for its organization on the basis of a direct contract for the cultivation and supply of raw cotton between textile enterprises and farms. The Cabinet of Ministers decrees as follows: (a) the organizers of cotton-textile production promote efficient and rational use of land, water and other resources, increase yields and timely harvesting of raw cotton grown, and also ensure its further in-depth processing and increase in production of products with high added value; (b) the organizers of cotton and textile production shall be subject to the terms and procedure for the acquisition of agricultural machinery for leasing, the supply of mineral fertilizers, seed seeds, fuel and lubricants, chemical protection of plants and other material resources provided for farms; (c) certification of cotton fiber produced for its own needs within the cotton-textile industry shall be carried out on a voluntary basis; (d) the volumes of cotton fiber produced that exceed the need for one s own production capacities shall be sold by the organizer of cotton-textile production to other domestic consumers under direct contracts or through exchange trades; (e) the cotton seeds obtained shall be sold by the organizer of cotton-textile production to fat-and-oil enterprises on a give-and-take basis, followed by the trade of fat and oil products through exchange trades, and waste from processing cottonseed (husk, husk) - under direct contracts, primarily to farms, and other domestic consumers; (f) additional products (lint, motes and others) shall be sold by the organizer of cotton-textile production to domestic consumers through exchange trades; and (g) the price for raw cotton purchased by the organizer of cotton and textile production shall be established on a contractual basis with the consideration of costs generated on the basis of agro-technological maps, taking into account the profitability of farms and should not be lower than the established prices for state needs (public purchase).
The Government, in order to form market relations between farms, other agricultural producers and enterprises of the textile industry, to ensure the production of competitive products with high added value based on the introduction of modern forms of organization of cotton and textile production, decrees to create, taking into account the approbation of cotton-textile production in the territories under the list in accordance with Appendix No. 1, providing for its organization on the basis of a
Decree No. 53 of the Cabinet of Ministers On measures for implementation of modern forms of cotton-textile production organization .
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