This Decree makes provision for a systematic approach with regard to the internal control within aquaculture installations on the observation of rules and standards required by legislation listed in article 2 regarding aquaculture and animal health.
This Decree consists of 9 articles divided into 3 Chapters: Scope, application sphere and definitions (I); requirements regarding the internal control (II); Administrative provisions (III).
Article 4 makes internal control compulsory and article 5 defines the contents of internal control. Provisions of Chapter III concern supervision by the Directorate of Fisheries and the Food Control Office.
This Decree consists of 9 articles divided into 3 Chapters: Scope, application sphere and definitions (I); requirements regarding the internal control (II); Administrative provisions (III).
Article 4 makes internal control compulsory and article 5 defines the contents of internal control. Provisions of Chapter III concern supervision by the Directorate of Fisheries and the Food Control Office.
This Decree makes provision for a systematic approach with regard to the internal control within aquaculture installations on the observation of rules and standards required by legislation listed in article 2 regarding aquaculture and animal health.
Consolidated version of Decree No. 537 of 2004 as amended by Decree No. 674 of 2018.
Decree No. 537 of 2004 relative to the internal control of aquaculture establishments so as to meet legislative requirements (IK- aquaculture).
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