This Decree applies to all agricultural activities in nitrate sensitive areas and with regard to data supply and registration, also to companies and private persons keeping animals outside of nitrate sensitive areas, all except for private persons keeping animals for household needs. The rules contained in Articles 4-9 providing Good Agricultural Practices to be observed by farmers in nitrate sensitive areas is in fact the action plan. Article 10 contains rules on data supply and registration. Annex 1 to this Decree contains nitrate standards for manure to be used as fertilizer.
This Decree applies to all agricultural activities in nitrate sensitive areas and with regard to data supply and registration, also to companies and private persons keeping animals outside of nitrate sensitive areas, all except for private persons keeping animals for household needs. The rules contained in Articles 4-9 providing Good Agricultural Practices to be observed by farmers in nitrate sensitive areas is in fact the action plan. Article 10 contains rules on data supply and registration. A
Decree No. 59 of 2008 (IV. 29.) FVM of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development laying down detailed rules of the action plan needed to protect waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources and on data supply and registration.
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