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According to this Decree the marketing and utilization of pesticides shall be authorized by the Ministry. There are detailed rules regarding the documents that must accompany the application for authorization. The Decree sets out also the criteria for the judgement of applications, and it rules the decision making process. Article 19 contains important rules on the classification of pesticides and agents. Packaging and labelling of pesticides, their storage at the users' premises, and transport of pesticides is also regulated.
According to this Decree the marketing and utilization of pesticides shall be authorized by the Ministry. There are detailed rules regarding the documents that must accompany the application for authorization. The Decree sets out also the criteria for the judgement of applications, and it rules the decision making process. Article 19 contains important rules on the classification of pesticides and agents. Packaging and labelling of pesticides, their storage at the users' premises, and transport
Decree No. 6 of 2001 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development on the authorization of marketing and utilization of pesticides, and on the packaging, storing and transport of pesticides.
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