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This Decree is composed of 2 chapters: General rules (1) and Detailed rules of uniform registration and identification system of cattle (2).
The Decree applies to cattle and buffalos independently of their destination (art. 2). The organization, management and supervision of the system shall be the duty of the National Agricultural Qualification Institute acting as breeding authority and of the veterinary and food control stations acting as veterinary authorities (art. 3). Article 4 determines the duties of animal breeders. Marking shall be done by qualified and authorized personnel. Under Article 6, a data base, forming part of the National Stockbreeding Data Base, shall be established in the interest of uniform registration of animals. Article 7 provides for supervision and sanctions.
This Decree is composed of 2 chapters: General rules (1) and Detailed rules of uniform registration and identification system of cattle (2).
Decree No. 62 of 1997 of the Ministry of Agriculture regarding the Uniform Registration and Identification System of certain animal species.
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