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The present Decree establishes the health conditions relative to the production and marketing of fresh poultry meat intended for human consumption, which covers meat obtained from the animals referred to in article 2. The placing on the market and the distribution for human consumption of fresh poultry meat which has been treated with oxygenated water, colour, antibiotics or preservatives shall be prohibited (art. 6). Detailed rules are contained in Annex I as regards the hygienic conditions to be met by slaughterhouses, personnel, establishments, equipment and tools; ante-mortem health inspection; slaughtering; post-mortem health inspection; sanitary stamps; health certificates; storage; packaging; transport. Annexes II and III lay down the models of the health certificates required.
The present Decree establishes the health conditions relative to the production and marketing of fresh poultry meat intended for human consumption, which covers meat obtained from the animals referred to in article 2. The placing on the market and the distribution for human consumption of fresh poultry meat which has been treated with oxygenated water, colour, antibiotics or preservatives shall be prohibited (art. 6). Detailed rules are contained in Annex I as regards the hygienic conditions to
Decree No. 63 on health conditions for the production and placing on the market of fresh poultry meat.
San Marino
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