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This Decree implements article 27(b) of Council Directives 81/851/EC and 91/412/EC relative to "good manufacturing practice", which applies to the manufacture of veterinary drugs. The manufacturer shall be responsible for effective quality control of drugs during production, packing, and labelling. The Decree also provides rules on the distribution of drugs. Subchapter 2(2) requires permits for the preparation, packing, labelling or supply of animal drugs. (35 articles completed by 2 Annexes)
This Decree implements article 27(b) of Council Directives 81/851/EC and 91/412/EC relative to "good manufacturing practice", which applies to the manufacture of veterinary drugs. The manufacturer shall be responsible for effective quality control of drugs during production, packing, and labelling. The Decree also provides rules on the distribution of drugs. Subchapter 2(2) requires permits for the preparation, packing, labelling or supply of animal drugs. (35 articles completed by 2 Annexes)
Decree No. 652 of 1993 implementing articles 23, 39, 42 and 49 of the Veterinary Drugs Act (Decree on Conditions and Control Permits for Veterinary Drugs 1993).
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