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It shall be prohibited to import, export or place on the market or otherwise trade in planting material for horticulture as specified unless that planting material is conform with standards of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Planting Material ("NAK") approved by the Minister regarding purity, health, quality, packing, labeling, classification, etc. Other provisions concern inspection of propagating material, bookkeeping to be kept by traders, inspection of books and premises, and appeal against decisions regarding inspections of NAK.
It shall be prohibited to import, export or place on the market or otherwise trade in planting material for horticulture as specified unless that planting material is conform with standards of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Planting Material ("NAK") approved by the Minister regarding purity, health, quality, packing, labeling, classification, etc. Other provisions concern inspection of propagating material, bookkeeping to be kept by traders, inspection of books and premise
Text approved by Decree No. 70 of 2000.
Decree No. 70 of 2000 concerning the trade in planting material of plant species used for horticulture.
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