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This Decree implements article 8.15 of the Environment Protection act. This article allows the competent authority to issue a General Order In Council to indicate certain polluting installations that shall arrange financial security for the fulfilment of obligations deriving from environment permits granted under the Act. The installations and corresponding amounts of liability to be covered are listed in the Schedules.
This Decree implements article 8.15 of the Environment Protection act. This article allows the competent authority to issue a General Order In Council to indicate certain polluting installations that shall arrange financial security for the fulfilment of obligations deriving from environment permits granted under the Act. The installations and corresponding amounts of liability to be covered are listed in the Schedules.
Decree No. 71 of 2003 relative to financial guarantees for the fullfilment of obligations imposed by Directives and liability in the field of environment protection (Decree Guarantees Environment Management).
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