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This Decree applies to the enactment and execution of certain epizootics measures specified by the Act on food-chain safety and control (No. XLVI of 2008, Art 51, par. 3) and to public compensation in connection with them. Epizootics measures can be enacted by county and district animal health offices. Article 3 lays down detailed rules regarding the way and content of such an enactment. Article 4 regards reporting on the execution of the measures. Articles 5-6 contain provisions concerning the compensation procedure and decision. Further articles provides rules regarding: the nomination of the active agent who, in case the entitled person to the compensation for any reason is unable to observe his obligations, implements the enacted measures; and the neutralization of by-products of animal origin, produced during the execution of the epizootics measures.
This Decree applies to the enactment and execution of certain epizootics measures specified by the Act on food-chain safety and control (No. XLVI of 2008, Art 51, par. 3) and to public compensation in connection with them. Epizootics measures can be enacted by county and district animal health offices. Article 3 lays down detailed rules regarding the way and content of such an enactment. Article 4 regards reporting on the execution of the measures. Articles 5-6 contain provisions concerning the
Decree No. 74 of 2013 (VIII. 30.) VM of the Ministry of Rural Development concerning certain epizootics measures and public compensation in connection with them.
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