This Decree implements articles 58 to 60 of the Act on Well-being and Health of Animals, bringing Dutch legislation in line with provisions of EC Council Directive 91/628/EC. This Decree implements modifications introduced by Directive 95/29/EC, the most important of which concern: the requirement of certification by the Minister for transporters of vertebrate animals; a compulsory travel scheme if the transport lasts more than 8 hours; an extra control in the case of travel of more than 8 hours within the Community with a third country as final destination; loading requirements for various animal species; maximum travel time allowed; improvement of control and enforcement measures. (8 articles)
This Decree implements articles 58 to 60 of the Act on Well-being and Health of Animals, bringing Dutch legislation in line with provisions of EC Council Directive 91/628/EC. This Decree implements modifications introduced by Directive 95/29/EC, the most important of which concern: the requirement of certification by the Minister for transporters of vertebrate animals; a compulsory travel scheme if the transport lasts more than 8 hours; an extra control in the case of travel of more than 8 hours
This Decree is made under the Act on the Well-being and Health of Animals.
Decree No. 861 of 1996 amending the Decree on animal transport.
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