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In accordance with Law No. VI of 1993 on the Agrarian Market Regulation, this Decree promotes the production of quality meat and meat products and applies to slaughterhouses, classifying officers and organs acting in this regard. Terms used in this Decree are defined in Article 2. Articles 3-8 deal with rules on classification procedures, whose criteria regarding pig carcasses are comprised in Annex 1 and those regarding cattle carcasses in Annex 2. The marking of animals for slaughter by breeders is ruled in Article 4 and the marking of carcasses in Article 6. The classifying officer has to register the classification and other identification data (Article 7). A data bank is to be established collecting data from classifying officers and from slaughterhouses. Articles 9-13 regulate the activity of classifying officers who may only operate under authorization by the General Inspectorate. Authorizations are valid for a fixed term, extendable on request by the officer. The General Inspectorate has to publish the list of authorized classifying officers each year. Officers are financially accountable for their activity. Elements of incompatibility are set forth in Article 12. Articles 14-17 deal with organs responsible for governing and organizing classification and for carrying out other duties connected with classification (i.e. the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Inspectorate, the competent product councils and other organizations and institutes cooperating in training, examination of officers and in data processing). The deadline for carrying out certain technical duties (authorization of officers, introduction of the new method of classification, financing of classification and marking) is fixed at 31 December 1994.
In accordance with Law No. VI of 1993 on the Agrarian Market Regulation, this Decree promotes the production of quality meat and meat products and applies to slaughterhouses, classifying officers and organs acting in this regard. Terms used in this Decree are defined in Article 2. Articles 3-8 deal with rules on classification procedures, whose criteria regarding pig carcasses are comprised in Annex 1 and those regarding cattle carcasses in Annex 2. The marking of animals for slaughter by breede
It has been repealed as from 3 April 1998 by Decree No. 13 of 1998 of the Ministry of Agriculture on classification of carcasses after slaughter.
Decree No. 9 of 1994 of the Ministry of Agriculture on classification after slaughter of pigs and cattle destined for human consumption.
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